The vertical garden that can grow with your plants

The benefits of nature on our well-being are well documented. Not just that, leafy green plants look beautiful and bring a room scheme to life. So as the days get shorter and the nights longer, and we find ourselves spending more of our time indoors than out, it could be time to up the horticultural ante at home and invest in a vertical garden.

Horticus is a flexible system that can grow with your botanical demands. You can choose the size and layout according to your preference and requirements – you don't even need to fill it just with foliage.

Select from pods with different functions, from those that can house lights and speakers to those for display or storage and create endless combinations to suit your space.

There's no need to pile on the plants either. Horticus looks great with even just one or two of your favourites, such as this pretty Calathea.

The kits come in four sizes: small, medium, large and extra - which includes the frame and hexagonal planters (small contains 3 planters and extra contains 24, with the frames).

The pods are made in the UK from terracotta and can be lifted in and out of the frame, so it's easy to re-pot or rearrange when the mood takes you. Even better, the planters can be watered from above through a grid of watering holes, so it's easy to look after them.

The powder-coated steel frames together with the terracotta pods provide a gorgeous contrast to the greenery contained and work well in a variety of rooms.

See the best terracotta paints.


Stash your toiletries alongside your favourite ferns.


Pot a herb garden, so you always have aromatic flavours to hand.


Create a cool home for speakers and lights.

Available at

See more ideas for Living Walls.


Jacky Parker is a London-based freelance journalist and content creator, specialising in interiors, travel and food. From buying guides and real home case studies to shopping and news pages, she produces a wide range of features for national magazines and SEO content for websites

A long-time contributor to Livingetc, as a member of the team, she regularly reports on the latest trends, speaking to experts and discovering the latest tips. Jacky has also written  for other publications such as Homes and Gardens, Ideal Home, Red, Grand Designs, Sunday Times Style and AD, Country Homes and Interiors and ELLE Decoration.